Application of Titanium Spring in Automobile

With the popularization of titanium materials, the products of titanium products are more and more popular. Titanium spring has high elasticity, high strength and high plasticity, and has better fatigue resistance than steel spring. Titanium alloy is an ideal spring material because of its high specific strength and low elastic modulus. Compared with steel spring, titanium spring has the advantages of light weight, small volume and high resonance frequency. Its density and elastic modulus are only half of that of steel spring, and its strength is almost the same as steel spring. Because of these characteristics, titanium spring can be designed with smaller diameter and fewer circles than steel spring in practical application. As far as springs are concerned, high strength is the most important performance requirement for materials, so high strength beta titanium alloys, such as Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr and Timetal LCB (Ti-6.8Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al) alloys, are the best choice for manufacturing springs. A titanium spring is 3.06 kg lighter than the corresponding steel spring. For the four supporting springs in automobiles, the weight can be reduced by about 12 kg. Replacing steel spring with titanium spring can easily solve the problem of too long and too big diameter of steel spring, which has been puzzling designers for a long time. Moreover, because titanium alloy has excellent corrosion resistance, the coating can be cancelled and the weight can be further reduced. Titanium springs have been used in some sports cars. For example, Timetal LCB springs have been used in Ford Simon & Simon racing cars for more than two years, reducing the weight by about 36 kg.

automobile titanium shock spring made from Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr
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