Superplasticity of TC4 Titanium Alloy

Superplastic forming of titanium alloys is a new technology developed by utilizing the excellent deformation properties of materials in superplastic state.

Titanium alloys have superplasticity. TC4 (Ti6Al4V) is considered to be the most promising structural titanium alloys because of its excellent superplasticity. It has achieved rapid development and good economic benefits in the research and application of superplastic forming technology of structural titanium alloys. Compared with other titanium-based alloys, TC4 has the best superplasticity. It is widely used and mature. TC4 is the most widely used superplastic titanium alloy, so it is of practical significance to study the mechanical properties of this material after superplastic forming.


The ductility of titanium alloy TC4 is relatively low at room temperature, but it has high ductility at high temperature. High temperature oxidation is one of the main factors affecting the Superplasticity of TC4. Although the oxidation resistance of TC4 is good, the oxidation film on the surface of titanium alloy TC4 can be formed at 800 ~900 ~C, which will cause cracks and reduce the ductility of titanium alloy. In order to prevent oxidation of titanium alloy during high temperature forming, in many cases, it is carried out under the protection of Ar. Although this method can protect titanium alloy from oxidation during superplasticity, it requires complex equipment and greatly increases the cost of process. Structural ceramics are superior to metals in chemical corrosion resistance, high hardness and wear resistance, high melting point temperature and high temperature strength, but toughening of structural ceramics has always been the most challenging subject in the field of ceramics. In order to improve the Superplasticity of superplastic titanium alloys, plasma spraying of ceramic powders was carried out to obtain a protective coating with high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance and superplastic deformation ability on the surface of superplastic titanium alloys.

Posted in About Titanium.

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